Taycan Technologies

At Taycan Technologies, we have a special team of Technicians ready to work 24×7.


508 Riverbend Dr, Unit - 3 Kitchener ON N2K3S2 Canada

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We help businesses of all sizes

We help businesses of all sizes


As networks increasingly shifting to cloud architectures. Because cloud computing gives your business more flexibility to quickly scale resources and storage up to meet business demands without having to invest in physical infrastructure. Companies don’t need to pay for or build the infrastructure needed to support their highest load levels. Cloud network is a Wide Area Network (WAN) that hosts users and resources and allows the two to communicate via cloud-based technologies. It consists of virtual routers, firewalls, and network management software. At Taycan we help customers in deployment of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

How does it work?

IaaS in cloud computing is when you rent access to cloud infrastructure resources as individual services from a cloud service provider (CSP), including servers, virtual machines, networking resources, and storage. IaaS helps eliminate much of the complexity and costs associated with building and maintaining physical infrastructure in an on-premises data center.  

Banking and finance

Banks use cloud networks to process a high volume of transactions and online loan applications. Traders have shifted trading platforms to a cloud network so clients can execute trades rapidly with the latest, most accurate pricing.


As regulations change and patient data volumes increase, cloud networking can handle updating back-office claims management and data security automatically. Delivering end-to-end patient care


Industrial workers often have repetitive manual tasks, which can be automated and handled by a cloud network system.


Using a cloud network enables retail companies to consolidate systems to manage rapid order delivery and high-volume customer service.


Tracking vehicles, loads, operators, schedules, deliveries, and customers is a complex process with huge data requirements that is perfectly suited for a cloud network


Cities often monitor traffic flow and incidents using a city-wide network of surveillance cameras. Municipalities also deploy infrastructure maintenance based on analytics of millions of usage data points per day